Installing intermediate certificate

I am trying to establish SSL between two webMethods servers.
One server has a: cert.der and cacert.der
Second server has: cert.der, intermecert.der and cacert.der

When I install try to establish connectivity I keep getting errors like problem in chain of certificates.The versign certificates are
used on both the servers and they are good.

Could you please point me (FAQ etc…) the right way to install a intermediate and a
root certificates on a webMethods server.


Check out the servers administratorsGuide.pdf
Chapter 8 Managing Server Security. After you have placed the root and intermediate in the appropriate directory on both server, restart both
servers and if the certs are good you should be able to connect.

Thanks for getting back. Have you installed intermediate certificate before?
Here is what I have done.
I have a webMethods server (
A webMethods partner server (
(Server 2 has an intermediate cert)

The cert file locations:

on partner server



These certs are good outside but I get
ssl set up error when I try to connect them by
defining a remote alias for server1 on server2.

Any insights would be highly appreciated.


You need your root and intermediate certificates
in your trustedCA directory. Put them in the trustedCA directory and restart your b2b server software on your servers.

If you have more problems, I would recommend contacting webMethods support.

Put the CA and intermediate CA certificate in th defined CA directory. In your B2B administrator, define the intermediate CA as you CA certificate, and it should be working.


Koen Roskams
PwC Consulting ITS