i need information about capability of webemthods

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:52 am Post subject: i need information about capability of webemthods

Hi All,

Am using webMethods 7.1.2 in unix oprating system, and oracle is my database.

i want to insert the 3million records at time using JDBC Adters and i also nee pick the 17 mb and 32 mb file using FTP, i need information that webMethods can able to insert/select the 3 million records from database.

if yes to reduce the time what are steps need to take and also update the steps handle the 17mb and 32mb flatfile by FTP.

i have 32GB of RAM and CPU is 1500MHz

and in JVM i have set the heap memory as


with this settings i can’t able to pick the 17mb flatfile by FTP.

and getting OutOfMemmory error for 3 million records for insertion/selection from oracle table.

and also getting same OutOfMemmory for 1 million records for insertion/selection from oracle table.

just am using insert and select adapter service in flow service.

In databse connection i have given Minimum POOl size is 0
and MAX POOL size is 3000 and also tried with 5000 and 1000 size, no sucess on this, please any one suggest me capability of webMethods on this, we have the requirement to handle the 17 mb and 32 mb flatfile BY FTP it has 1million/3 million records in that and need to insert in the Oracle Database.

and also tried with select adapter service for selecting 1million recoreds/3millions records from ORacle Dtabase and insert adapter service to insert same records in another Oracle Database.

Anil Kumar ellendula

Hi Anil,

Please do not raise duplicate queries for the same issue. I have already replied to your earlier query in an earlier thread.

we have changed the design, am getting flat file…

deigned with below steps.

  1. taking the flatfile from share folder and ftp’ing the file to remote server box by FTP, remote server box has oracle scripts, reads the data insert in the export tables, webMethods need to have schedule service get the data from export table and insrt in to actual tables by custom sqls.

this is the solution.

anil kumar ellendula


sam thanks for reply i will take in the future, it is my mistake, unfortunately this post i have creates in Adapters and E-standards pool.

anil kumar ellendula

Hi anil,

so is you problem solved…or you need some further information on the same?

yes, solved tahnks for reply