HTTPS/SSL Error: Listener was denied access to service wm.server.soap:envelope

I have a web service (provided on IS) that works on a non-encrypted port, but I am trying to restrict access to it by requiring clients to present certificates. The client is not receiving a response and I am seeing the following in the server.log file:

2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0039.0001D] POST /soap/default
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← SOAPAction: “
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Host:
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISC.0038.0002D] ← Content-Length: 2221
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISS.0012.0003T] Client did not provide a session id so creating a new session ceaab8a0dd1911df96cc9b6b430f5636
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISU.0000.9999T] Certificate mapping found locally and the user is afdw
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISS.0012.0009T] Successfully authenticated user (afdw)
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISS.0012.0001T] Using client’s X.509 digital certificate common name as user name.
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISS.0014.0016T] Invoking service wm.server.soap:envelope
2010-10-21 09:47:55 EDT [ISS.0051.0008I] Listener HTTPSListener@443 was denied access to service wm.server.soap:envelope

Any ideas on what I need to do to get past this error?

Thanks in advance,

The issue was resolved by adding the wm.server.soap:envelope service to the list of allowed services for the SSL port.