The error is ISS.0070.9014 Private key file does not exist.
I have seen similar postings, but cannot sort the problem.
The story so far,
Using openssl I have created a cert.pem, client.crt and key.pem on a XP platform.
Converted key.pem to key.der using (XP again)
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out key.der
ftp transferred files to wM HP platform, (binary transfer).
Placed files in ~/CertificateToolkit/config directory.
Converted cert.pem to cert.der, with cert toolkit
Ports configuration.
Configured https port with, port number, (for testing)client authorisation=none, package=WmRoot, ip address.
Not configured Listener Specific Options.
Certificate configuration.
Server’s Signed Certificate=config/cert.der
Server’s Private Key =config/key.der
Is the path and file setup for the certificate configuration ok.
How can I tell if the key.der is valid and not corrupt.
Try placing your certificate files into the webm_home/IntegrationServer/config folder. Unless fully specified, IS paths are always relative to webm_home/IntegrationServer, so config/cert.der refers to webm_home/IntegrationServer/config/cert.der.
I have copied the files as you suggested, but still get an error.
I have also fully qualified the path as
which I had tried before.
The error is now (No such file or directory (errno:2)). even tho I cut and pasted to prevent any errors in typing.
I have seen reference to corrupt key.der files on forums but am not sure
how I can test this. I would also expect a better error if the file was corrupt.
I agree that you would get a different exception if the cert itself were bad. You can install openssl on your Unix box and use it to verify the certificate is valid and uncorrupted there. However, I don’t believe that is the issue.
Have you made any progress on this? If so, what was the issue? In reviewing this thread, I forgot to ask you whether you had generated a certificate signing request (CSR) from the key you created using OpenSSL.
Sorry for the delay in replying.
I have made progress. I recreated the certificates using OpenSSl, reconfigured the ports and certificates. Had a problem which turned out to be our proxy server.
Can now send successfully, just a small problem with receiving., but I will post that separately.