It sounds like the steps you’ve taken so far correctly configured your partner’s certificate and CA so you can receive transactions but they have not yet done the same. Have you provided your public key and CA certificates to your partner and can you confirm they have installed them correctly? the chain verifier error on outbound transactions typically indicates that they do not have your CA cert installed correctly.
we are currently getting the following error while trying to deliver the EDI document: Server certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
Task 6orkjm00uh5c84t3000001fh failed with no more retries available. Reason for failure - Server certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
We felt the problem is on our end as when we tried to install the partner certiicates in the integration server. we found that the “Issuer CA” for the partner was null.
The CA certificate does not have a CN value but has only the OU value.
Is there a problem for the IS server to identify the Certificate with the CA cert.
Try to give the certicate directory information also in the TNConsole Security tab of your enterprise and may be in the Partner profile section also to whom you are delivering back the document (tradingpartner).