hello all of u. i am the new user for this site. i want to know the internal mechanism of http protocol. can u pls explain abt it. thanx to all.
I believe HTTP uses an internal gas turbine engine.
Seriously what’s your question? Are you asking about HTTP in general or are you talking about one of the webMethods product’s implementation of HTTP? If you are asking about HTTP in general I would suggest a google search and read the many millions of hits you will get. If you are asking about a specific webMethods product then you need to be a little more specific.
You better google it…if you are looking for generalised term of HTTP/transport.
i want abt in webMethods, http protocol mechanism in case of sharing documents between different applications
i want about one of the webMethods product’s implementation of HTTP.
Best site to download all webMethods tutorials is: Advantage.webmethods.com
Looking for more on http information in webMethods/Integration Server?
review this doc “7-1-1_Integration_Server_Administrators_Guide.pdf”