please read the following specs:
Program Spec;
Please write a Natural program geared to run as a batch process. The program is to generate two reports, update the database Status file and generate an extract file.
Program Name: TESTWAGE
Note: Include Documentation in the program header
Update Requirement:
Update the LPO-PRIOR-LOAN-BAL and LPO-PMT-RCVD fields as follow
LPO-PRIOR-LOAN-BAL is the loan balance before current payment is applied. Each time TESTWAGE program runs, this field is updated with LPO-PMT-RCVD.
LPO-PMT-RCVD is the current payment made by the member that should go against his/her loan balance. When step 1 is satisfied reset the LPO-PMT-RCVD field to 0.
TESTWAGE program does not update the record when LPO-PMT-RCVD is negative instead report it in the exception report.
Extract Criteria
The Extract file (DSN not a temp) is for all members who have paid their dues, with LPO-PRIOR-LOAN-BAL = 0 after current payment has been applied. Extract file should contain SSN, LOAN-AMOUNT and the first 3 occurrences
Report 1 Spec
Produce a report for wage history
Report Header footer information:
Header- Title: Member Wage History
Report Date: Current date
Sub-header: Field Name
In the footer include page number
Report output fields:
Member’s age (calculated)
Display only the WHT-WAGE of the 15th year
Note: the 15th year wage is determined based on the following: WAGE-HISTORY-TABLE contains wages earned by members, for each year from the time he/she became a member using MEMBERSHIP-DATE.
Selection Criteria:
• Members who have paid their dues: DUES-ALL-PAID-IND = “Y”
• And who have LPO-PRIOR-LOAN-BAL = 0
Report 2 Spec
Produce an exception report
Report Header footer information:
Header - Title: Exception report
Sub-header: Field Name
In the footer include page number
Report output fields:
Total Count of the exception records reported
Selection Criteria:
• LPO-PMT-RCVD is negative
JCL and Script Spec;
Produce JCL that will run program in Mainframe, as well as equivalent SCRIPT for UNIX execution.
Please write a NATURAL code according specs.