How to send client-side param to my data


I have a menu with a list of items, every item contains a controle param exp :

menu1 : paramName : value1
menu2 : paramName : value2
menu3 : paramName : value3

I want to send the param value into my request to refresh a part of my view by setting the return value of a data with the value of the param everytime.

how can i get this value plz ??

below my method : DomaineSelected is my data

public java.lang.String getDomaineSelected()  {
	return ??? ;

1 - my command link

2 - control param

3 - my data

i use a static value in my data

public java.lang.String getDomaineSelected()  {
	return "douane";

i want change the return with the value of my params in client side

thanks and regards

The command parameters should be accessible as request parameters.

For example:

String value = (String)resolveExpression("#{param['domaine']}");


String value2 = (String)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("domaine");