How to query the results of the stream Analytics builder model in Test Mode?

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How to query the results of the stream Analytics builder model in Test Mode?

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?


Hi Prathyusha,

Can you please export the model and send it to us so we can have a look at the details of the output block you are using.


The folder consits of the export file (907 Bytes)

Thanks for providing the model. I see that you are using the Measurement Output block.

In Test mode, the output of the model is only stored (and recorded as an Operation or Measurement object of a virtual device) and not sent back to the device. Virtual devices are not shown in the Device Management application. Virtual devices are objects in the Cumulocity IoT inventory with a c8y_VirtualDevice property. This property refers to the identifier of the real device of which the virtual device is a copy.

To find the Measurement object use the Cumulocity’s Measurement API, specification can be found here Cumulocity IoT - OpenAPI Specification

Also please note, even though device management UI does not show virtual devices, you can open the device specific page using the ID of the virtual device.


The ID of the virtual device can be found in the Audit logs which are accessible from the Administration dashboard (see the attached image)

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