I search in java API a function who return key list of a document type.
this function exist ?
How can i do that ?
I search in java API a function who return key list of a document type.
this function exist ?
How can i do that ?
Hi Clement,
can you provide an example of what you are trying, please?
Additionally provide your wM version, please.
We use 9.12.
I want know all élement in a doc type reference, and return a list of this element.
Example i pass in entry a String who represent mypackage.doc:mydoc
mydoc type is :
the list return :
Use the below code to get the NS and loop over “nodedata/rec_fields”, within the loop use “pub.list:appendToStringList” to populate the stringList which will return “field names”
IDataCursor ic = pipeline.getCursor();
String strName = IDataUtil.getString(ic, "nsName");
if (strName == null) {
throw new ServiceException("Missing required param 'nsName'");
NSName nsname = NSName.create(strName);
IData data = NSNodeHelper.getNodeInfo(nsname);
ic.insertAfter("nodedata", data);
Let me know if you are unable to follow instructions or not make it work.
Thx for your reply.
But i can t find class “NSNodeHelper”
I search for install package wmDoc. but in this package i have other java problem like WmDocBundle cannot be resolved to a type …
Can you help me to find this class and solved this problem ?
Use the attached package as-is
Copy the java service (GetNodeData:getNodeData) to your package folder on designer and the folder “pub” which is present under “GetNodeData\code\classes” to your \code\classes, compile the java service and it should work.
Else, you need to create a jar from the NSNodeHelper.class (present in WmDoc) and copy the same under packages<yourpackagename>\code\jars
Let me know how it goes, feel free to contact me on my below email if you still have issues.
GetNodeData.zip (12.4 KB)