This article on using a Java timeouts suggests an interesting way to handle this situation. Basically, their first suggestion talks about spawning a “timer” thread and having that thread “do something” when it finds that your service has stalled for a long time.
So based on that guy’s code, I wrote a test service and it works. The Java source code is below:… you can cut and paste this into a new webMethods Java service - don’t worry about the Timer class - WM automatically creates an ‘inner class’ in the service.
class Timer extends Thread
public boolean timeoutExceeded = false;
/** Rate at which timer is checked */
protected int m_rate = 100;
/** Length of timeout */
private int m_length;
/** Time elapsed */
private int m_elapsed;
- Creates a timer of a specified length
@param length Length of time before timeout occurs
public Timer (int length )
// Assign to member variable
m_length = length;
// Set time elapsed
m_elapsed = 0;
/** Resets the timer back to zero */
public synchronized void reset()
m_elapsed = 0;
/** Performs timer specific code */
public void run()
// Keep looping
for (;
// Put the timer to sleep
catch (InterruptedException ioe)
// Use ‘synchronized’ to prevent conflicts
synchronized ( this )
// Increment time remaining
m_elapsed += m_rate;
// Check to see if the time has been exceeded
if (m_elapsed > m_length)
// Trigger a timeout
break ; //Breaks out of the endless for loop and returns, ending thread.
System.err.println (“Exiting timer ‘run’ method”);
// Override this to provide custom functionality
public void timeout()
System.err.println (“Network timeout occurred… setting status flag”);
timeoutExceeded = true;
Timer timer = new Timer(3000);
String errorMessage = “”;
while (true) {
System.err.println (“In while loop”);
if (timer.timeoutExceeded == true) {
errorMessage = “Timeout exceeded… terminating function call”;
System.err.println (errorMessage);
//Reset the timer
if (errorMessage != “”)
throw new ServiceException(errorMessage);
The change to the author’s service is that I end the timer thread before I throw the Service exception (it keeps running otherwise)