how to invoke webService from URL ?

I made a flow service FS_AddInteger.Then generated a WSDL for it in which i used SOAP -RPC.inputs are int1 and int2 and output is out.
then i created a connector using the WSDL doc.i tested the webservice connector by running from is working fine.

now i want to run the service using url [url]http://localhost:8888/invoke/Test/FS_AddInteger.Can[/url] anyone help me how to pass variables ?

i am not having any idea whether it is possible to invoke it in this ways or not.

Please guide me and let me know how to use this url to pass the parameters and get the output?
Thanks !

Here is the url to call the service.


You can also run this service in the browser from the Developer. Go to Test->Run in Browser. You can see the same url in the browser.


yeah correct ! Best approach is to run it in the browser from the developer and view the url from there .

Thanks a ton !!

but now i am facing different issue, while trying to run from url or browser it is giving following soap fault :SOAP-ENV:Client [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message [url][/url] [ISS.0084.9004] Access Denied
Please suggest.

  1. Please check username , pwd in your connector , if it has already been set or not .

  2. Please check the service which you are calling remotely and verify that you can execute the service as user that you have provided in the connector .

Best of luck !!


I have checked the ACLs and i am running it as administrator.If i simply run the connector it is working fine (with same user/pwd)but when i run it from browser,it gives given error.

This is probably what you might be doing - you are trying to run it from developer on the browser and when its asking for username/pwd you are feeding the same and you are getting the error.

Please , either hard-code your username/pwd or read it from any properties file using a wrapper service and then feed it into the actual connector fields ( needless to say in this case connector should also be called in the wrapper service ) .

Hope this helps!

SOAP-based services cannot be invoked directly from a browser. For a SOAP service you have to provide a body (content type of text/xml, using the SOAP schema) and browsers don’t provide a way for you to do that.