How to integrate an applet ?


how do I integrate an applet. I tried the and getting the following back by the adapter (as expected):
“Your browser does not support the applet tag.”

This is originally used somewhere else - within Tomcat - and works fine. The problem is the right place for the applet classes and libs, since I always get a ClassNotFoundException while it tries to load the applet. Since the pages accessed through e.g. cis/servlet/StartCISPage and then PAGEURL=… I am not sure where to put my classes. I allready tried many different places, but no success (the most obvious place would be /applet/classes, but did not work).

Any help is very appreciated.


P.S. I know there is a big dislike against applets, but this one is unfortunately necessary :-).


the IHTML is only usable for straigh HTML code…

Applets need to be integrated using the control concept. This is fairly simple - please have a look into the Control Developer’s Guide. Via controls you can add any specific HTML that you want - also applet tags.


Hi Bjoern,

I will try the control concept, but the applet tag is just a simple HTML tag. The only problem is, that it does not find its classes. So, I will go along with your suggestion and try this.

Thanks for now,



finally I had time to try to include the applet as an own control (and the applet tag itself is working), but the problem still exists. Like I described before, the problem is not the applet itself, but the ClassNotFoundException because the classes and libaries are not found. And as I mentioned before, I put the applet classes (and used libs) on many different places to figure out where they are sucked in by the Application Designer (maybe I got the right place, but I need to restart Tomcat or the Application Designer or … - as you can see there are many possibilities and I only need an expert telling my where and how to put it).




figured it finally out. Its was an evil combination of different things. The main problem was that I had the classes (libs) at the wrong place (-> getting the ClassNotFoundException) and then forgot to clear the applet cache in the browser before retesting again. Meanwhile I had it at the right place, but the browser still cached the applets old “location”, resulting still in the exception.

So, the applet classes and libs need to be at level or if you use codebase and archive properties of the applet, it needs to be places respectivly to this folder. AND for testing do not forget to open up the browsers java console and clear each time the applet cache (key “x”) - the refresh button is not enough.



P.S. I does not matter if it is a new control or the applet html code returend by an adapter using the IHTML control.