How to install Cumulocity IoT Runtime Widget Loader?

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Cumulocity IoT

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product with a customer license

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

I want to install the Cumulocity IoT Runtime Widget Loader, because it is the prerequisite of the 3D Model Viewer Widget for Cumulocity IoT. I followed this link to install the Runtime Widget Loader. I got some errors while the installation. So I installed npm@6.14.10 -g. After that I successfully installed the Runtime Widget Loader. The local start shows that the installation is good.
This picture shows that the Run Time Widget Loader is successfully installed on local server.

Then I want to deploy this cockpit to my tenant. After building and deployment, I clicked the deployed cockpit application on my tenant domain. But I found out that the Runtime Widget Loader does not work on my tenant domain.
This picture shows that the Runtime Widget Loader is not successfully added to my application.

What should I do to successfully install the Runtime Widget Loader on my tenant domain?

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed latest fixes for the products

I don’t know.

As fast as I got @Darpankumar_Lalani and @Matthew_Barnes right, there is no further support of the widget loader runtime for the cockpit anymore.

Loading widgets is thus only available via the cataloge within the application builder.

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Thanks for the reply. Then I will try t find another way to install the 3D Model Viewer Widget for Cumulocity IoT.
Best regards

@Murat_Bayram Do you know the long-term plan for runtime widgets? Is the idea to move to microfrontends instead of runtime widgets in the future?

Hi Kai,

for the future it is definitely planned to have the custom widgets (runtime widgets) be compatible with the Microfrontend-Framework approach. At least those, which have been developed by Global Presales.

Best regards

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