How to implement a Web Service step in Modeler

I built a simple model with 4 steps:

startStep: receive published doc, start model, and prepare input for web service (in step 2)

WebServiceStep: invoke web service

endStep: capture output from web service

errorStep: process error step

My target Web Service is simply another flow service on IS (localhost). I used Developer to create the wsdl and Modeler to configure the web service step from the wsdl (keeping it all in the wm family).

I get the following errors when I generate the model:

  1. ! Error: Operation “myWebService” for Web Service step “Web Service Step” expects input message type “_myWebServiceInput”, but input is not assigned.
  2. ! Error: Global Data “modelWebService_logic.MessageTypes:myWebServiceStepInput” does not exist on logical server “Design Server”…
  3. ! Error: Global Data “modelWebService_logic.MessageTypes:webServiceTarget” does not exist on logical server “Design Server”…
  4. ! Error: Global Data “modelWebService_logic.MessageTypes:myWebServiceTargetInput” does not exist on logical server “Design Server”…

Here is some background info:

  1. “myWebService” is the name of my flow service that is exposed as a web service
    The name of the input to the above flow is “wsIn” (doc type “modelWebService_logic:webserviceIn”)
    The name of the output for the above flow is “wsOut” (doc type “modelWebService_logic:webserviceOut”)
  2. “myWebServiceStep” is the former name for “myWebService” flow sevice, before I renamed it
  3. I have no idea where the name “webServiceTarget” came from
  4. I have no idea where the name “myWebServiceTargetInput” came from

I don’t know how to resolve these errors.

It is likely you are iether do not have actual input values for your web service or you are placing the input data into different name and PRT does not see it during execution of your webservice.