How to get subprocessInstanceId via public service

I am trying to find a pub service in webMethods which is telling me the subprocess instance ID of a referenced Process step. I can only do this via an internal service

Basically I need to know which process has been invoked by my step.
Anybody any idea?



a workaround could be to use pub.monitor.process.instance:getInstanceList and search for processes with parentInstanceId = . Using this query you can get the subprocesses of your main process. Maybe that helps.


It helps a bit. I came across this service, but now I need to know which step actually called the child process. If I use the service you mentioned I cannot tell were in my process I called this child process. I am using dynamic ref. processes, so I cannot derive this from any process definition.
I only found an internal service to do this and I would like to avoid using this.


I see. I also had to use WmMonitor API to get process information and also found that many useful services are inside the wm folder. The public part is a bit slim to say the least.

Is there somebody official in the forum who can say something about using the wm part of the API.
