Hello all!
In the related discussion here I was asked, which version of NDV I’m currently using.
And I have to admit: I don’t know it for sure.
Every other SAG-product prints the version, when it’s started. But natdvsrv doesn’t…
$ adaopr
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED, 13-JUN-2006 10:53:22, Version (Solaris 64Bit)
adaopr: q
%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED, 13-JUN-2006 10:53:23, elapsed time: 00:00:01
$ natdvsrv -h
usage: natdvsrv [options] [NATURAL parameter]
start options:
-p[port][=]<port>: start server with given port number
-s[tart][=]<image>: optional: the Natural image to be used as the server session
NATURAL parameters: optional: the parameters to start the server session with
terminate option:
-t[erminate][=]<port>: terminate server with given port number
help option:
-h[elp]: display this message
So my question: How to find out the version of my natdvsrv on Solaris?