How to find out the version of my natdvsrv on Solaris?

Hello all!

In the related discussion here I was asked, which version of NDV I’m currently using.
And I have to admit: I don’t know it for sure.

Every other SAG-product prints the version, when it’s started. But natdvsrv doesn’t…

$ adaopr
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED,      13-JUN-2006 10:53:22, Version (Solaris 64Bit)
adaopr: q
%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED,   13-JUN-2006 10:53:23, elapsed time: 00:00:01
$ natdvsrv -h

        usage: natdvsrv [options] [NATURAL parameter]

        start options:

           -p[port][=]<port>:        start server with given port number
           -s[tart][=]<image>:       optional: the Natural image to be used as the server session
           NATURAL parameters:       optional: the parameters to start the server session with

        terminate option:

           -t[erminate][=]<port>:    terminate server with given port number

        help option:

           -h[elp]:                  display this message

So my question: How to find out the version of my natdvsrv on Solaris?



You could try starting Natural and typing SYSPROD. This should tell you all the layered products for Natural and their versions.


Yes! Thanks! Now I remember! I always tried TECH …

BTW: My NDV version is 2.1.4 PL17