How to extend the Analytics Builder with custom blocks - Video


The Analytics Builder is a powerful tool for domain experts to define analytics models in Cumulocity IoT. It comes with tons of pre-build blocks to do complex analytics. But sometimes the pre-build blocks are not sufficient and you need to extend it with your own block.
In this video we show you how!

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Presentation & code examples

Analytic Builder Block.pdf (1.1 MB)

01 Base

package com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib;

using apama.analyticsbuilder.BlockBase;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.Activation;

event NormBlock {    
	BlockBase $base;
    action $process(Activation $activation, float $input_value) {
    action<Activation, float> $setOutput_output;

02 Logic

package com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib;

using apama.analyticsbuilder.BlockBase;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.Activation;

event NormBlock {    
    BlockBase $base;
    action $process(Activation $activation, float $input_x, float $input_y, optional<float> $input_z) {
    float result := ($input_x * $input_x + $input_y * $input_y).sqrt();
       $setOutput_output($activation, result);
    action<Activation, float> $setOutput_output;

03 doc

package com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib;

using apama.analyticsbuilder.BlockBase;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.Activation;

* Norm.
* Calculate the euclidian norm of the given 2 or 3 input values.
* @$blockCategory Calculations
* @$derivedName Offset $offset
event NormBlock {    
	BlockBase $base;
    * @param $input_x The input value of the x-axis.
    * @param $input_y The input value of the y-axis.
    * @param $input_z The input value of the z-axis.
    * @$inputName value X-Axis.
    * @$inputName value Y-Axis.
    * @$inputName value Z-Axis.
    action $process(Activation $activation, float $input_x, float $input_y, optional<float> $input_z) {
    float result := ($input_x * $input_x + $input_y * $input_y).sqrt();
       $setOutput_output($activation, result);
    * Output.
    * The norm of the input vector.
    action<Activation, float> $setOutput_output;

04 Build

analytics_builder build extension --input NormBlock --output
analytics_builder  build extension --input ./NormBlock --cumulocity_url --username --password <password> --restart --ignoreVersion --name NormBlock

05 AB Cli

analytics_builder list extensions --cumulocity_url --username --password Bootc4mp
analytics_builder build extension --input samples/blocks --output

analytics_builder upload extension --input --cumulocity_url --username --password <password>--restart --ignoreVersion

06 Params & State

package com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib;

using apama.analyticsbuilder.BlockBase;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.Activation;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.L10N;
using apama.analyticsbuilder.Value;

event NormBlock_$Parameters {
    * Threshold value.
    * The minimal change to trigger an output.
	* Must be positive.
	float threshold;
	constant float $DEFAULT_threshold := 0.01;
	action $validate() {
	    if threshold < 0.0 or not threshold.isFinite() {
	        throw L10N.getLocalizedException(
	            "block_msg_com.cumulocity.analyticbuilder.contrib.NormBlock_outOfRange", [<any> threshold]);

event NormBlock_$State {
    optional<float> oldValue;

* Norm.
* Calculate the euclidian norm of the given 2 or 3 input values.
* @$blockCategory Calculations
* @$derivedName Offset $offset
event NormBlock {    
	BlockBase $base;
	NormBlock_$Parameters $parameters;
    * @param $input_x The input value of the x-axis.
    * @param $input_y The input value of the y-axis.
    * @param $input_z The input value of the z-axis.
    * @$inputName value X-Axis.
    * @$inputName value Y-Axis.
    * @$inputName value Z-Axis.
    action $process(Activation $activation, float $input_x, float $input_y, optional<float> $input_z, NormBlock_$State $blockState) {
    	float result := ($input_x * $input_x + $input_y * $input_y).sqrt();
    	ifpresent $input_z {
    		result := ($input_x * $input_x + $input_y * $input_y + $input_z * $input_z).sqrt();
	    if $parameters.threshold > 0. {
		    ifpresent $blockState.oldValue as old {
		    	if not (old - result).abs() > $parameters.threshold {
	    $blockState.oldValue := result;
	    $setOutput_output($activation, result);
    * Norm.
    * The norm of the input vector.
    action<Activation, float> $setOutput_output;
    action $validate(dictionary<string,any> $modelScopeParameters) {
	 if $base.getInputCount("x") = 0 or $base.getInputCount("y") = 0 {
		 throw L10N.getLocalizedException(
	                  	            "block_msg_com.cumulocity.analyticbuilder.contrib.NormBlock_wrongInputCombo", new sequence<any>);

07 Test Project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

	<property name="ANALYTICS_BUILDER_SDK"                 value="${env.ANALYTICS_BUILDER_SDK}"/>

	<property name="SOURCE"                  value="${root}"/>
	<property root="testRootDir"/>
	<property environment="env"/>
	<property osfamily="osfamily"/>

	<property name="APAMA_HOME"              value="${env.APAMA_HOME}"/>
	<property name="APAMA_WORK"              value="${env.APAMA_WORK}"/>

	<property name="defaultAbortOnError" value="true"/>
	<property name="defaultIgnoreExitStatus" value="false"/>
	<property name="defaultEnvironsTempDir" value="self.output"/>
	<property name="redirectPrintToLogger" value="false"/>
	<property name="verboseWaitForSignal" value="true"/>

	<property name="shutdownApamaComponentsAfterTest" value="true"/>

	<runner classname="ApamaRunner" module="apama.runner"/>

	<path value="${ANALYTICS_BUILDER_SDK}/testframework"/>

	<test-plugin classname="apama.testplugin.ApamaPlugin" alias="apama"/>


08 Test

__pysys_title__   = r""" Norm Block - Test the basic calculation """ 
#                        ================================================================================
__pysys_purpose__ = r""" """ 
__pysys_authors__ = "marh"
__pysys_created__ = "2022-11-11"
#__pysys_skipped_reason__   = "Skipped until Bug-1234 is fixed"

#__pysys_traceability_ids__ = "Bug-1234, UserStory-456" 
#__pysys_groups__           = "myGroup, disableCoverage, performance"
#__pysys_modes__            = lambda helper: helper.inheritedModes + [ {'mode':'MyMode', 'myModeParam':123}, ]
#__pysys_parameterized_test_modes__ = {'MyParameterizedSubtestModeA':{'myModeParam':123}, 'MyParameterizedSubtestModeB':{'myModeParam':456}, }

import pysys
from pysys.constants import *
from apamax.analyticsbuilder.basetest import AnalyticsBuilderBaseTest

class PySysTest(AnalyticsBuilderBaseTest):
    def execute(self):
        correlator = self.startAnalyticsBuilderCorrelator(blockSourceDir=f'{self.project.root}/blocks/')
        modelId = self.createTestModel('com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib.NormBlock')
                              self.inputEvent('x', 0, id=modelId),
                              self.inputEvent('y', 1, id=modelId),
    def validate(self):
        self.assertGrep('correlator.log', '(ERROR|FATAL|WARN .*Failed to parse) .*', contains=False, ignores=[])
        self.assertBlockOutput('output', [0.0, 1.0])

09 Test Params

__pysys_title__   = r""" Norm Block - Parameter tests """ 
#                        ================================================================================
__pysys_purpose__ = r""" """ 
__pysys_authors__ = "marh"
__pysys_created__ = "2022-11-11"
#__pysys_skipped_reason__   = "Skipped until Bug-1234 is fixed"

#__pysys_traceability_ids__ = "Bug-1234, UserStory-456" 
#__pysys_groups__           = "myGroup, disableCoverage, performance"
#__pysys_modes__            = lambda helper: helper.inheritedModes + [ {'mode':'MyMode', 'myModeParam':123}, ]
#__pysys_parameterized_test_modes__ = {'MyParameterizedSubtestModeA':{'myModeParam':123}, 'MyParameterizedSubtestModeB':{'myModeParam':456}, }

import pysys
from pysys.constants import *
from apamax.analyticsbuilder.basetest import AnalyticsBuilderBaseTest

class PySysTest(AnalyticsBuilderBaseTest):
    def execute(self):
        correlator = self.startAnalyticsBuilderCorrelator(blockSourceDir=f'{self.project.root}/blocks/')
        modelId = self.createTestModel('com.example.analyticsbuilder.contrib.NormBlock', parameters={"threshold":0.01})
                              self.inputEvent('x', 0, id=modelId),
                              self.inputEvent('y', 1, id=modelId),
                              self.inputEvent('y', 2, id=modelId),
                              self.inputEvent('x', 0.01, id=modelId),
    def validate(self):
        self.assertGrep('correlator.log', '(ERROR|FATAL|WARN .*Failed to parse) .*', contains=False, ignores=[])
        self.assertBlockOutput('output', [0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
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