How to Create Custom jPos WmISO8583 Channel in Integration Server Module ?

I am a newbie to WmISO8583 Integration Server Module. I am looking for WmISO8583 topic in Empower but could not get further information related to this topic.

I am going to create custom channel in WmISO8583.
As i know, WmISO8583 using JPOS to create connection and client to send ISO8583 message to some kind of ISO_Server. In JPOS configuration there is a configuration called Channel, and some default Channel e.g PostChannel, NACChannel, ASCIIChannel, etc.

I am going to create a custom channel, let say CustomPostChannel that the computeMessageLength method is opposite to PostChannel.
PostChannel sends message length with :
protected byte computeMessageLength(int length) throws Exception
byte msgLen = new byte[2];
msgLen[0] = ((byte)(length >> 8 ));
msgLen[1] = ((byte)length);
return msgLen;

and i want to create CustomPostChannel that sends message length with :
protected byte computeMessageLength(int length) throws Exception
byte msgLen = new byte[2];
msgLen[0] = ((byte)length);
msgLen[1] = ((byte)(length >> 8 ));

return msgLen;

How can i achieve this in WmISO8583 Module? How can i integrate that code to WmISO8583?

What i got so far is :

  • I can add a channel pick list item in WmISO8583 Connection page with edit the *.dsp file in package WmISO8583. Please see in my “SAH Channel” attachment…

How can i connect that pick list item (SAH Channel) to my CustomPostChannel ?

Thanks for the help,