I know it is a classic subject, but I did not found any example over the net :
I have a service flow which consumes an external REST service (resource A), and I’m calling it with the POST method. I’ve used the http service, and configured it (url, method, data, auth…) flow, and then all works fine.
Now, I have a new resource B from the same REST service but this one works with a GET method.
How the data has to be transmit in the URL please ?
I’ve tried many ways :
to send a string data to the http\data\string
to send a string data to the http\data\arg
to send the a string and converting it with Json
but nothing seems to work, I’m sure I’m missing a little details…
I’ve looked into all the 9.8 documentations without finding any example. So if you could give me the name of the documentation, I would appreciate that too 8)
but the REST web service returns header/statusMessage = NOT FOUND
Here is in ATTACHED file, the test I’ve made in SoapUI with a test IBAN value. Like you can see, when the REST service succeeds, it returns a BIC value.
In SoapUI, if I test a standard GET call : “URL?iban=value”, the reply returned is the same as in webMethods : NOT FOUND
but if you watch into SoapUI param, you can see that the param must be a TEMPLATE/RESOURCE with the {iban} param.
Maybe it is not a standard GET to do with the Designer ?