How to capture input and output in error handling in

Hi All,

I am using webMethods-io-integrations for integrating two applications.I want to do some error handling in the flow. I have added global error handler in the flow which does not give me for which input it failed.So is there any way to capture the input parameter for the error scenario.


Hi Pratiksha,

can you describe a bit more detail how you added the global error handler to the flow?

When using TRY-CATCH-(FINALLY-) Sequence structure, the first step in the CATCH needs to be pub.flow:getLastError, otherwise the error data in the pipeline is lost.

When using Service Monitoring via Auditing parameters (IS Core Audit) you can the properties for the auditing of the service to always include the pipeline ind the audit data.


Hi Holger,

In webmethod io integration there are two connectors for error which are Error and Global Error Handler.I have used Global Error Handler in my flow.Or is there any other way to do error handling.


Assuming you are using io.Flow Designer not workflow based and calling connector components via Developer tools here correct? Please clarify.



In a Workflow you can use Error and/or global error handler available in the right side panel of the Workflow canvas (as you pointed out)
Think of the Error handler action catching the error on one Workflow step. If you have specific step(s) that you want to catch any exceptions that occur, drag and error action from the panel and drop it on the canvas. Then connect the source step to the Error step. This is the similar idea as a Catch in other programming languages.The source step connected to the Error step is like a Try. The error action enables you to do more fine grained error handling at an Workflow step level.
On the other hand, the global error handler will be called if the exception is not caught by an error action in the same Workflow. Make sense?
You can always create a shared error handling workflow and call it from your parent Workflow using the “Run Workflow” action (from the right panel).

If you are talking about Integration FlowServices, they can use error handling constructs similar to the on-premise wM Integration Server (e.g. TryCatch, If/else, SEQUENCE)

Please clarify if you are talking about Integration Workflows or FlowServices.
If you need further clarification let me know.

Principal Instructor at Software AG
For: Integration and on-premise integration products.

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Hi Wayne,

Thank you for the clarification.I am using wmio integration workflow in my project.Is there any documentation or video showing how to use error handler and global error handler which will be helpful.


You can watch the video I just uploaded to the Tech Community here:


Thanks Wayne for the video.I was able to achieve 50% of work.But I want to get the monitoring URL or the id for the error flow so that I can check that particular log. And I could the error throw by error handler does not specify which connector broke and the reason for failure instead it gives some different type of error.
I want to get the specific error received from the connectors and id for the monitoring the failed workflow.Is there any system variables which can be used to get this data.


Hi Wayne,

It is very helpful and insights on this specific use-case and thank again for your time and diving the new bees forward!!! :slight_smile:
