Hi everyone,
We use to code
Create Object COM-APPLIC of Class ‘Excel.Application’
to access Excel via COM. In the current project I need to access an excel spreadsheet that is already open.
In VBA this works just like this:
Option Explicit
Private Const xlText = -4158
Private Const xlCSV = 6
Dim xlsAnwendung
dim i
on error resume next
Set xlsAnwendung = [b][color="darkred"]GetObject[/color][/b](,"Excel.Application")
if xlsAnwendung Is Nothing Then
Set xlsAnwendung = [b][color="darkred"]CreateObject[/color][/b]("Excel.Application")
xlsAnwendung.Visible = True
With xlsAnwendung
.Workbooks.Open "C:\Temp\Test.xls"
.Sheets(1).Range("A33") = "Test erfolgreich"
.Sheets(1).Range("B33") = xlsAnwendung
end with
With xlsAnwendung
.Sheets(1).Range("A33") = "Test erfolgreich"
.Sheets(1).Range("B33") = xlsAnwendung
end with
end if
In this VBA example CreateObject is just the equivalent to NATURALs Create Object. What I am looking for is the equivalent of the GetObject in the VBA example.
Is there a way to do this?
Even if I had to call an external routine I would be greatful if someone could tell me how to set the object “COM-APPLIC” to an existing excel instance if that would work.
Thanks for any help - it’s despreatly needed.