How are you transitioning code design pubsub from ES to IS

We haven’t transitioned from 5.0/4.6 to 6.1 but we are going to be in the next month or so. Coming from a standpoint that I’ve worked with Enterprise Server about 80% of the time, I’m curious as to how other people are designing solutions and services with respect to publish-subscribe nature.

Take for example an Enterprise Server scenario where you have to parse a file, build xml, and then do some custom processing. A typical solution would be that component #1 belongs to an IO Adapter, component #2 belongs to an XML Adapter, and for arguements sake, component #3 belongs to an ILA Adapter. The only way to complete this solution would be to perform a publish-subscribe from one component to the next.

Now taking that same scenario to Integration Server 6.1, there is in essence no absolute need to do a publish-subscribe. You could have a main servic that can call sub-services, thus acting no different than a sequential program.

So, my overall question is this: Have you moved away from publish-subscribe architecture and only use it when you need to send/receive data from separate Integration Servers? Or are you still doing the same amount of publish-subscribe, and if so, why?


Please ignore! Reposted in Development Feedback which seemed to be a better fit!!


Goodluck for your migration/transition process…

Starting from IS6.0 version the IntergrationServer/Broker component comes together (merged).And eliminated overhead of managing different components and life became simpler with this new IS.

your Question:
Take for example an Enterprise Server scenario where you have to parse a file, build xml, and then do some custom processing. A typical solution would be that component #1 belongs to an IO Adapter, component #2 belongs to an XML Adapter, and for arguements sake, component #3 belongs to an ILA Adapter. The only way to complete this solution would be to perform a publish-subscribe from one component to the next.

Ans)IntegrationServer (IS)will take care of XML parsing,Validation etc…using internally built xml parsing capability,for this you just need to invoke some builtin services like (XMLStringToNode,XMLNodeToDocument,Validate)services to do this.
Like IO Adapter IS WmFlatFile Adapter,FilePolling mechanisms,getFile services to read and write the files.
Regarding to implement this no need of pub/sub process required.

your Question:
Have you moved away from publish-subscribe architecture and only use it when you need to send/receive data from separate Integration Servers? Or are you still doing the same amount of publish-subscribe, and if so, why?

Ans)No,publish-subscribe architecture still exists and this is using as internal managed send/receive data from diff resources,A2A,businessUnit document integrations, (Broker in territory),IS Adapters (MQSeries,JDBC Adapter Notifications) etc…uses pub/sub triggering communication…

We still do configure the Broker,ClientGroups,docTypes,Territories… like in ES but with robust fashion.To get this related information get into this page when you move to IS6.1 (http://wmserver:5555/WmBrokerAdmin)

Hope you have understood the answers replied for some of your queries.