Help! Can anybody explain this XQuery?

Can anybody explains this part?
if (
for $e3 in $other
if ($e3 << $e1) then 1 else ()
) then $e1 else ()
THis is the whole function definition:

declare function count-nodes($sequence) {
if ($sequence) then (
let $head := (
for $e1 in $sequence
let $other := (
for $e2 in $sequence
return (
if (not($e1 is $e2)) then $e2 else ()
if (
for $e3 in $other
if ($e3 << $e1) then 1 else ()
) then $e1 else ()
) return
let $tail := (
for $e1 in $sequence
if (not($e1 is $head)) then $e1 else ()
return (1 + count-nodes($tail))
else 0

I can.

but before I do, let me give some remarks:
I do not know where you got this XQuery from. Either it is a puzzle , or something programmed by an XQuery novice. Judging from the variable names, what is intended to be achieved can be achieved in a much simpler way with XQuery. Besides, the query does not do what the variable names suggest. And it will create a type exception. And it does not conform to XQUery as of teh current spec and Tamino 4.4. implementation. Here we go:

declare function xx:count-nodes($sequence)
if ($sequence) then
( let $head := ( for $e1 in $sequence
let $other := ( for $e2 in $sequence
return ( if (not($e1 is $e2)) then $e2
else () ) )
return if ( for $e3 in $other
return if ($e3 << $e1) then 1
else () ) then $e1
else () )
return let $tail := ( for $e1 in $sequence
return if (not($e1 is $head)) then $e1
else () )
return (1 + xx:count-nodes($tail)) )
else 0}

from the name of the function, we can assume that it is intended to
count the nodes in a sequence. The fact that all entries of the sequence
are compared using the “is” operator also implies that the sequence consists of nodes only (otherwise you get a type exception, because the
“is” operation is defined on nodes only.

the outermost if says:
if the incoming sequence is empty, return 0

so for the empty sequence, teh number of nodes is correctly returned.

In case the sequence is not empty:
a variable $head is defined. However, in contrast to its name, it will contain a sequence of all nodes that are not identical to the first node of the sequence (in document order, i.e. not the first entry in the sequence):
This is the reason for this result:

for $e1 in $sequence
let $other := ( for $e2 in $sequence
return ( if (not($e1 is $e2)) then $e2
else () ) )
for each entry i$e1 n the sequence, the variable $other is computed.
it will contain a sequence of all nodes which are not identical to $e1
return if ( for $e3 in $other
return if ($e3 << $e1) then 1
else () )
then $e1
else () )
means that whenever there is a node is before $e1 in document order, the argument of teh if evaluates to true, and $e1 is returned, i.e. , all nodes are returned that have a predecessor in document order in the sequence (not really what is implied by the name $head)

return let $tail := ( for $e1 in $sequence
return if (not($e1 is $head)) then $e1
else () )
will fails because of a type error, whenever the input sequence has more than two different nodes as entries, because then $head is a non-atomic sequence which creates a type error if operator “is” is applied to it.
The intention seems to be: compute all node except the $head one.

As there is a built-in count function, I wonder what the intention of this question to the forum is



Thank you very much, Doctor. Your insight was very keen.

This XQuery is excerpted from a technical report “Expressive Power of Recursion and Aggregates in XQuery” which can be found as an attachement or at

This function aims to simulate the “count” function using recursion and constructors. Its argument “$sequence” is a sequence of nodes. This example shows that count() can be simulated by recursion and constructors. However its lemma 7 gives the result that count() CANNOT be simulated by recursion itself, given that count() can distinguish two set-equivalent environments while Recursion can’t. I’m a little confused at this. Do you see any example that can exemplify this argument?

And I still have the same stupid question: Look at this paragraph:
if (
for $e3 in $other
if ($e3 << $e1) then 1 else ()
) then $e1 else ()

Note that $other may contain multiple nodes. So for each node in $other, if it’s less than $e1 in document order, it would return a 1. Will there be multiple 1s in the outer if argument then? Or there’s only one 1 so that the if clause can be executed because 1 is a literal value?

Please excuse my stupid questions as I’m a novice in XQuery. I look forward to your reply, especially to the first question. Many thanks!
TR2005-05.pdf (337 KB)


the paper you ae referring to is definitely not a good choice to learn XQuery.
To answer your second question on:

if ( 
for $e3 in $other 
if ($e3 << $e1) then 1 else () 
) then $e1 else () 

In deed, if there are three nodes before $e1, this is equivalent to

if (( 1, 1, 1)) then $e1 else () 

the effective boolean value of the expression in “if” is “true”, so the result of the expression is $e1.
The effective boolean value is defined as
If its operand is an empty sequence, fn:boolean returns false.

If its operand is a sequence whose first item is a node, fn:boolean returns true.

If its operand is a singleton value of type xs:boolean or derived from xs:boolean, fn:boolean returns the value of its operand unchanged.

If its operand is a singleton value of type xs:string, xdt:untypedAtomic, or a type derived from one of these, fn:boolean returns false if the operand value has zero length; otherwise it returns true.

If its operand is a singleton value of any numeric type or derived from a numeric type, fn:boolean returns false if the operand value is NaN or is numerically equal to zero; otherwise it returns true.

