I want to get the current user in my CAF portlet.
I create this kink of Java code
public com.webmethods.caf.faces.data.dir.UserModel getPerson() {
if (person == null) {
person = new com.webmethods.caf.faces.data.dir.UserModel();
resolveDataBinding(PERSON_PROPERTY_BINDINGS, person, "person", false, false);
return person;
This code supply me a provider to access to user information called person.
And when I assign Principal ID in parameter of my WS which managed right, the bahviour is correct.
But when I try with other user than my self (who am an Administrator) or Administrator, I have a JavaNullPointerException.
I guess the person Object is not filled and I can not assign Person ID with parameter of my web service.
The fact is in My Webmethod server I deny access to every objects for anyone (except Administrator) except the portlet I created.
I guess to access to Provider which give information about user, I need user have right to see it but I don’t know where is it.