FlatFileSchema - Field Justification


can u plz explain me how to give Field Justification(like Right,Left) while creating the flatfile Schema.


Hi Sree,
What version of the IS are you using? If you are at version 6.1 SP1, webMethods has IS 6.1 SP1 Fix 62 where they introduced a config parameter - spacePadJustifies=false - this can be added to the file /packages/WmFlatFile/config/ff.cnf This fix modifies the service convertToString so that when the spacePad input value is “left”, the fixed length fields are left justified and when the spacePad value is “right”, the fields are right justified.

This will affect all the fields i.e. you cannot have field1 as Left justified and field2 ar Right justified.

Hi Sree,
Adding to my earlier reply:
In any document structure, to make a particular field left or right justified, use the services leftPad/rightPad in the WmPublic or pad service in WmEDI package.
