flat file parsing question

Currently, I developing parse service using flat file.

As you see,below file is not easy to define.

could you give me advice.

                       Lot Summary Report

Test Program : AX502_PAPD_007 (Prod) Total : 3897
Version : No Version# Total Pass : 689
Lot ID : AU0612_04_G0724_F1 Total Fail : 3208
Operator : operator Most Fail Bin: 15
Computer : ASL03 Bin # : 15
Handler : seiko_ieee488 Yield % : 17.68
Autocorrelation : Disabled Next Serial #: 3898

Saturday, June 23, 2007 17:02:51/Saturday, June 23, 2007 19:23:18
SW Bins HW Bins
[1] PASS 689 17.68 % 1 689 17.68 %
[2] PASS 0 0.00 % 2 227 5.82 %
[3] PASS 0 0.00 % 3 90 2.31 %
[4] PASS 0 0.00 % 4 2873 73.72 %
[5] CONT 103 2.64 % 5 18 0.46 %
[6] LEAK_NOM 111 2.85 %
[7] LEAK_MAX 13 0.33 %
[8] LO_SUP_GSM 61 1.57 %
[9] LO_SUP_EGSM 3 0.08 %
[10] LO_SUP_DCS 29 0.74 %
[11] LO_SUP_PCS 22 0.56 %
[12] MAX_GSM 7 0.18 %
[13] MAX_GSM2 1 0.03 %
[14] MAX_EGSM 7 0.18 %
[15] MAX_DCS 1912 49.06 %
[16] MAX_PCS 630 16.17 %
[17] SRV_GSM 5 0.13 %
[18] SRV_GSM2 2 0.05 %
[19] SRV_EGSM 0 0.00 %
[20] SRV_DCS 1 0.03 %
[21] SRV_PCS 0 0.00 %
[22] LEAK_DELTA 0 0.00 %
[23] 0 0.00 %
[24] 0 0.00 %
[25] POUT_VRM_EGSM 4 0.10 %
[26] POUT_VRM_PCS 279 7.16 %
[27] 0 0.00 %
[28] VDD_LEAK_ALL 18 0.46 %
[29] 0 0.00 %
[30] 0 0.00 %
[31] 0 0.00 %
[32] 0 0.00 %

This looks to be Space Delimited file. You may have to chose the delimiter option and make spaces as delimiter for the field level.

If one is unable to mention spaces, a preparatory service where all the spaces are replaced with a delimiter will also help

Hope this help
Bhavani Shankar