FixedLength FFSchema problem


I am facing a problem while creating a flat file with fixed length. I am able to write a file but a last character of every field is coming as space.

eg: 1st field position is 0-9 and second field length is 10-14 and third field length is 15-19

file is generated like this

aaaaaaaaa bbbb ccccc

but file should look like this


please help me out with this.


To verify: the data has 10 a’s, 5 b’s and 5 c’s, but the final character is not being written?

Can you share the FF dictionary/schema definitions for this?

give the field position as below
first field - 0-10
second field 10-15
third field 15-20


Thanks Saravanan. It worked :slight_smile:

For me :
field position as below
first field - 0-10
second field 9-14
third field 13-18
working as

Do you have any Idea why its so.