Fine tune user task comment sharing

Hello Experts,

We are developing custom front end to deal with bpm user tasks. Part of the requirement, we have to fine tune the comments and attachment sharing option available to the user tasks.

For example, for collaboration task, if we set the scope to “Collaboration Process Instance”, then the comments will be shared between the parent task as well as with all other collaboration tasks running under the same collaboration process instance. But, our requirement is, the comments should be shared only with the parent task, we don’t want to share the comment of a collaboration tasks between all other collaboration tasks running under same collaboration process instance. How can we tackle this?

Any help would be much appreciated.


You can check functional permissions:
About Task Type Functional Permissions (


Thanks for the response.

In the functional permission, we can set whether the task is allowed view/add/update/delete the comments or not. But the question is how can we control the sharing of comments between the collaboration tasks. For eg: in a scenario,

Parent Task1 initiated two other collaboration tasks which are task2 and task3.

If we set the scope of the task to “Collaboration Process Instance” , then the comment added by task2 will be shown to task3 also. But in our case, we want the comments to be shared only between Parent Task1 and Task2, not with Task3.

Similarly, if Task3 added any comment, it will be shared with Task2 also.

How can we control this behavior? Need the comments to be shared only with parent task. Not with any other collaboration tasks which are running under the same collaboration process instance.

Thanks and Regards,

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