find maximum of three Numbers using webmethods developer with the help of branch

hi…i am new to webMethods.can any body help me how to create a folw service in developer for finding maximum of three numbers using branch statements.


Learn how you can implement if…else construct using branch.


I came to to know how to use branch instead if if-else but the problem is how to use logical operations…suppose to find numbers min than 400 and max than 300 how to use logical operations with debug log…under branch can you please explain with sample program…

send your e-mail_id i will send package(maximum 0f 3 numbers code) to u?

Hello knaresh455,

What version of webMethods are you using? Version 8.x includes the built-it service pub.math:max. This service should provide you with the results you are looking for. If you are using a version of webMethods older than 8.x, then consider writting a service similar to pub.math:max.

Actually I want to display a msg as Student pass with Distiontion if marks are Greater than 450 and Student passed with First class if marks are b/w 450 and 350.and if marks are less than 250 student failed .this is my task and I know how to use break and debug log but problem is how to use logical operations to find greater than 450 @and and ,or operators…plz send me package related to this…my mail if is “”…

My mail id is plz send some sample program related to this…

If anyone here help to compare two numbers i am bit confused here

Hello Prasad,

Could you please elaborate your requirement.


Do not be confused, it is simple to implement using a branch or map (using copy condition)

Branch (EL=true)
MAP (%n1%>%n2%) – Map n1 to result
MAP (%n2%>%n1%) – Map n2 to result