Exception while executing Adapter Service

Hi All,

I have created four adapter services(UpdateSQL) which uses the same LOCAL_TRANSACTION Connection. While executing them individually, three of them are working fine and one is throwing the following exception…

com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedSystemException: [ART.117.4033] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error while closing transactions at service completion Error:[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.
[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections…
[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.
[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.

I have configured the adapter service with out any mistakes. And also the adapter connection is enabled. But still we are getting the exception.

Could you suggest anything about this excetion?


Hi Jai,

I am facing the same issue. Were you able to resolve this by any chance?
Someone please help.


I tried to simulate the problem first - simple program to insert some data into a table in a local db.
I made insert service to go wrong by giving extra characters into the column that what it supposed to accept i.e, column size defined as 20 while I gave 21 characters.
This insert service is inside a retry block with sufficient time for each try so that i can bring down the connection while the retry service is on!

I could produce the same error as below!

  1. As expected the first error was with respect to wrong length

2012-02-12 11:27:35 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “INSERT INTO TEST.PO(PON, POST) VALUES (?, ?)”. "
(72000/12899) ORA-12899: value too large for column “TEST”.“PO”.“PON” (actual: 21, maximum: 20)

  1. I was trying to shutdown the the DB in the meantime!
    2012-02-12 11:27:45 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “INSERT INTO TEST.PO(PON, POST) VALUES (?, ?)”. "
    (72000/1089) ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
    ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted

  2. One more error to detail out!
    2012-02-12 11:27:55 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “INSERT INTO TEST.PO(PON, POST) VALUES (?, ?)”. "
    (17002) Io exception: Software caused connection abort: recv failed"

  3. Finally the one which we are looking for

2012-02-12 11:28:25 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ART.117.4019] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error while rolling back transaction Error:[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.
[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections…
[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.
[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.
2012-02-12 11:28:25 IST [ISS.0015.9998E] Exception → com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedServiceException: [ART.117.4019] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error while rolling back transaction Error:[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.

Please seek a full log from WM support / Admin team if you want to debug this further on the actual cause - I suspect it could be due to intermediate DB down or similar network issue which was not allowing webMethods to close the database connection which opened earlier!

let us know if you find anything interesting!