Evaluate Error for IS retry -transient error.

Has anyone come up with any logic that would evaluate an error that has occurred in a flow and determine if it is a transient error or not?

I am creating a service that will insert/update data in a database table (Oracle). I am creating a retriable service, which has to keep retrying if a transient error occurs. Such as Database not available, connection pool not available, network issues etc., In Chapter 15 of the developers user guide there is a note that says " If the flow includes an adapter service and a transient error occurs, the adapter service throws an exception that extends the ISRuntimeException.

I want to create a logic that will evaluate the error that occured and based on that determines if the service should be retried. Has anyone tried this before?

The typical input for this service would be pub.event:exceptionInfo document.

Any info/help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Try this link to start with - [url]wmusers.com

hi …I am also looking for it …can you pls guide if you get the answer (how to recognize ISRuntimeException exception in catch block )

Many thanks