I installed the Enterprise SAP Adapters 4.1.1 Service Pack 3. When I restart the RFC_Client adapter I get the following error:
"Task: Start adapter process in test mode:
Warning: CreateProcess: E error=3, could not insure that the parameters are valid
Task: Update infosets:
Could not save infosets of document type “AdapterConfig::SAP46CAdapter”
:COM.activesw.adapter.devkit.AdapterException: Introspection failed.
java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: E error=3
Because of the errors shown above, this adapter process cannot be enabled!
You can only save this entry without enabling it."
The documentation coming with the service packs, said for the RFC_Server additional parameters would be required. I checked the RFC_Client but this doesn’t show any other parameters.
How can I get this patch to work?