Error while invoking WS connector in webMethods 6.5

Hi Mark,

Based on your suggestion (refering to quote=mcarlson;58326 )i have removed the recursive references from the wsdl and using this new wsdl i am able to successfully create the connector . But while exceuting it i am getting Nullpointer exception at the step where i am calling ‘pub.client.soapHTTP’. I get this exception when using webMethods 6.5 but in 7.1 it works fine. Can you please suggest wht could be the reason for this. I am attaching wsdl along.

Many Thanks,
PeopleSearch.xml (2.74 KB)

I ran into null pointer exceptions on the pub.client:soapHTTP call last year when making HTTPS calls to Dotnet (.Net) service providers. The solution was to upgrade to a newer IS 6.5 service pack (SP2 or SP3) and then populate the new loadAs parameter with the value of “byteArrayStream”.

These threads appear related.

I’m not sure that this would help in your case.
