I have created a JDBC Insert Polling Notification on a table.
When I am trying to enabling I am getting the below error:
[ART.116.3038] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error in Notification Callback:enableCallback notification jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification.
[ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “SELECT t1.A2Y55SN,t1.A2EDTN,t1.A2DSC1,t1.A2DSC2,t1.wm_rowid,t1.wm_sendTime FROM WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa t1 WHERE (wm_rowid> ? ) ORDER BY wm_rowid”. "
(S0002/208) Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’."
Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’.
I tried all the options like dropDatabaseObjects and again enabling the notification. But still I am getting the same error. I have rechecked the db username previlages, but dont see any issues. I was able to manually create the buffer table and trigger using the same db credentials.
But unable to when I try to do it by enabling the polling notification.
Please find the below server logs:
[15898]Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’.
15897 Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’."
[15896][ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “SELECT t1.A2Y55SN,t1.A2EDTN,t1.A2DSC1,t1.A2DSC2,t1.wm_rowid,t1.wm_sendTime FROM WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa t1 WHERE (wm_rowid> ? ) ORDER BY wm_rowid”. "
[15895]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ART.116.3038] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error in Notification Callback:enableCallback notification jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification.
[15894]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [SCC.0126.0205T] Connection Jde_JDBC_Connection:Notification(87) of Jde_JDBC_Connection:Notification is now available
[15893]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0105T] Rollback local transaction.
[15892]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [SCC.0121.0015T] rolling back resource. xid = melsys89.cub.com.au/1284382502509 resource = Jde_JDBC_Connection:Notification
[15891]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [SCC.0121.0053D] Starting rollback for xid = melsys89.cub.com.au/1284382502509
[15890]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0116.3507D] Adapter Runtime (Notification): useConnection Connection:null for Notification:jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification UUID:ad71fb80695111df8e6ecd1f1fb42d0c.
[15889]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0116.3038E] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error in Notification Callback:enableCallback notification jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification.
[15888]Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’.
15887 Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’."
[15886]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “SELECT t1.A2Y55SN,t1.A2EDTN,t1.A2DSC1,t1.A2DSC2,t1.wm_rowid,t1.wm_sendTime FROM WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa t1 WHERE (wm_rowid> ? ) ORDER BY wm_rowid”. "
15885 Invalid object name ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’."
[15884]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0113T] Received SQLException: "
[15883]Cannot drop the table ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
15882 Cannot drop the table ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
[15881]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “DROP TABLE WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa”. "
15880 Cannot drop the table ‘WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
[15879]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0113T] Received SQLException: "
[15878]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0110T] Execute the SQL statement: “DROP TRIGGER PRODDTA.WMTJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa”
[15877]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0110T] Execute the SQL statement: “CREATE TRIGGER WMTJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa ON PRODDTA.F55MAN31 for insert as begin INSERT INTO PRODDTA.WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa (A2Y55SN, A2EDTN, A2DSC1, A2DSC2) SELECT inserted.A2Y55SN, inserted.A2EDTN, inserted.A2DSC1, inserted.A2DSC2 FROM inserted end”
[15876]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0110T] Execute the SQL statement: "CREATE TABLE PRODDTA.WMBJdeBbExtractNotifybgkkmqa (A2Y55SN char(10), A2EDTN char(22), A2DSC1 char(30) NULL, A2DSC2 char(30) NULL, wm_rowid numeric(9) identity, wm_sendTime numeric(14))"
[15875]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0116.3508D] Adapter Runtime (Notification): getConnection Connection:com.wm.adapter.wmjdbc.connection.JDBCConnection@463e46ab for Notification:jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification UUID:ad71fb80695111df8e6ecd1f1fb42d0c.
[15874]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0109T] In notification callback “enableCallBack”().
[15873]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0116.3500D] Adapter Runtime (Notification): enableCallback Invoked for Notification:jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification UUID:ad71fb80695111df8e6ecd1f1fb42d0c.
[15872]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ART.0116.3507D] Adapter Runtime (Notification): useConnection Connection:com.wm.adapter.wmjdbc.connection.JDBCConnection@463e46ab for Notification:jdeBbweEnterpriseOne.ManugisticsServices:JdeBbJDBCExtractNotification UUID:ad71fb80695111df8e6ecd1f1fb42d0c.
[15871]2010-10-01 16:07:23 EST [ADA.0001.0103T] Begin local transaction.
I have increased the log levels but couldnt find the exact issue. As per the logs when I enable the polling notification, a buffer table and a trigger is created and after that some SQL Exception occurred.
Let me know if there is any workaround for this.
Thanks in advance.