Hello there,
Could anyone solve my problem when i create SAP Adapter (RFC sync and ALE sync).
wmServer Info : webMethods v6.5 SP1
SAP Adapter Info: Adapter Version
ISServer installed on AIX system.
These SAP adapater connect to SAP System v4.6
Here my error message :
RFC Notification Sync
Failed to create the adapter notification.
com.webMethods.developer.adapter.metadata.AdapterMetadataException : com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ART.114.243] Adapter Runtime (Metadata): Failed to run notificationLookupValues service. Details provided in error log.
[SAP.101.9055] WmSAP Adapter: Error on receiving service object: (126) FU_NOT_FOUND -
on replyNames [Ljava.lang.String;@dee6e2
java.lang.Exception: Adapter values are not available.
ALE Notification Sync
Failed to create the adapter notification.
com.webMethods.developer.adapter.metadata.AdapterMetadataException : com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ART.114.243] Adapter Runtime (Metadata): Failed to run notificationLookupValues service. Details provided in error log.
[SAP.101.9055] WmSAP Adapter: Error on receiving service object: [ SAP.105.9207] WmSAP Adapter: IDoc “SYIDOC01” does not exist on SAP system with system id “LOCAL”
on requestNames [Ljava.lang.String;@1b97d8
java.lang.Exception: Adapter values are not available.
i’ve solved my problem by updating my sap adapter from wm advantage.
when SAP Adapter already patched, i restart wM IS.
with new RFC connection and correct configuration (like JSree ^^ said) to SAP Sytem, finally these error solved.
Anyway, is it resulting problem if we use more than one rfc connection to a SAP Sytem due to developing phase?