Error occured when execute process Document

RosettaNet version:

When I call the function(pub.estd.rosettaNet:processDocument) to start a process, the error occured.
(error msg: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: nsDecls)

I finished tasks as below:

  1. PIPs imported.
  2. internal Document type defined in TN.
  3. Process built and enabled in mywebmethods.

who can tell me this cause of the problem? thank you very much.

which PIP you are using? check “nsDecls” value in your TPA for PIP document…

I am using PIP4A4. I checked the “NSDecls” is null in TPA. But I don’t know how and what map to the “NSDecls” document.
(By the way, the 4A4’s TPA is generated by PIPs tool when I upload PIPs 4A4.)

Are you running the lastest patch level for EstdCommonLib and the RN modules? Also, make sure you have the right process versions (there are updated versions of the process models if you are running 8.0 for some modules).

I had a similar issue that was resolved by EstdCommonLib_7-1_Fix6_80 and RN_7-1_SP1_Fix5_80 (webMethods version 8).


You are right the TPA will be created when you will build the PIP document, but “nsDecls” vlaue should have the fully qualified PIP document namespace from wmRnPiPs directory on IS.

How have you created the PIP? if its from PIP builder, then it will create PIP documents, TPA, TN Document, nsdecls.

Hope you must be having the proper PIP in receive step of your process model.


Thank all very much. I had solved the problem. The cause is that I must install some fixes for RosettaNet before I use the rosettaNet package.

Can you provide the details on which fixes you need to apply? especially for 8.0.1 installation?
I can’t find the ones mentioned: EstdCommonLib_7-1_Fix6_80 and RN_7-1_SP1_Fix5_80

You can download them from Empower (not the old Advantage site).