Error message


I’m receiving an error message (see below) and I don’t know what to do with it. I’m not able to know what is the file that is causing the problem. I don’t have anything into trading network that tells me which one it is. I think that it means that someone is trying to send a file but we don’t accept duplicate document (set into Trading network). Can someone can confirm what I’m thinking and have an idea about how to deal with this.


ServerError: ( Couldnt
insert new document(0) java.sql.SQLException:
[wm-cjdbc33-0069][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]INSERT statement
conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: sendmsg Couldnt insert new document
(0) java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc33-0069][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'fk_ActLog_RelatedDocId_BizDoc'. The conflict occurred in database 'WM_TN', table 'BizDoc', column 'DocID'.
(1) java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc33-0069][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'fk_ActLog_RelatedDocId_BizDoc'. The conflict occurred in database 'WM_TN', table 'BizDoc', column 'DocID'.
(2) java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc33-0069][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The statement has been terminated.
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

I had to cut a part of the error message but it’s longer that that.