Error in calling web service from connector in 6.5


I am getting the following error while creating a connector from the wsdl file.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\mohammed_taqiuddin\Desktop\wsdl\createSalesOrder2
Path name:
PortType: BH_POC_SalesOrder_flowPortType
Operation: createSalesOrder
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: XSDC-013
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9717] Invalid syntax
identifier: /schema/simpleType[@name=“Date”]

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\mohammed_taqiuddin\Desktop\wsdl\createSalesOrder2
Path name:
PortType: BH_POC_SalesOrder_flowPortType
Operation: createSalesOrder
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 2
pathName: null
errorCode: XSDC-013
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9717] Invalid syntax
identifier: /schema/simpleType[@name=“WebURI”]

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\mohammed_taqiuddin\Desktop\wsdl\createSalesOrder2
Path name:
PortType: BH_POC_SalesOrder_flowPortType
Operation: createSalesOrder
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 3
pathName: null
errorCode: XSDC-002
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9703] Duplicate declaration found in this schema definition
identifier: /schema/simpleType[@name=“WebURI”]

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\mohammed_taqiuddin\Desktop\wsdl\createSalesOrder2
Path name:
PortType: BH_POC_SalesOrder_flowPortType
Operation: createSalesOrder
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

Please suggest
