Error encountered [ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable conn

hi iam using wm 6 and oracle 10g with windows vista home premium one… i configured the jdbc addapter and it is showing these errors please let me know what to do…

Error encountered [ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource jdbc:JDBCConnection.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource”.
Invalid Oracle URL specified: OracleDataSource.makeURL

Please list the adapter connection parameters.

It seems that the DB host url is wrong. Try to ping the DB server with the url you have given.


Hey i solved the problem… cheers man…

hey i solved the problem man thanks for ur concern… cheers buddy…

I configured the JDBC Adapter connection with the following configuration:
Connection Type JDBC Adapter Connection
Package Name nw
Transaction Type: NO_TRANSACTION
DataSource Class:oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
serverName :server where oracle is installed
user :scott
password :tiger
Retype password :tiger
databaseName :orcl
portNumber :1521
Other Properties :driverType=thin
After having done this i enabled the connection and restarted the integration server.
However i get the following error:

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource nw:JDBCAdapterConnection.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource”.
ORA-28000: the account is locked
Can nyone help me on this.
thanks in advance.

Hey Mallika,
2 me it looks like you haven’t unlocked the scott user a/c after installing oracle DB, so try to unlock it or else use ur SYSTEM user n PWD.Hope that helps.


FYI to unlock the account login to sqlplus using sysdba/system (admin users) and
type alter user SCOTT account unlock;

at the time or installing u have to unlock it or else the method is explained by some one in this thread check it and one more thing
the top u have specified some properties right

in networkprotocol u have to specify tcp
server name if it is located on ur system u can give localhost/ or it resides on another machine u have to give that machine ip address…

Hey do you wanna try with this datasource:

DataSource Class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource

Thanks for the reply!
I will try unlocking the scott a/c


Hi Subhash,

I am also getting the same error as “Invalid Oracle URL specified: OracleDataSource.makeURL” when I am trying to create a Adapter connection to Oracle.

Can I know how did you solved this one.


Hi all,

I am trying to jdbc configuration in IS.
The following error occurs when i try to enable my JDBC connection.

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource jdbc_test:jdbc_one_connection.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 is not supported by this driver. Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0.

Please let me know what is the exact classpath you specify and kindly provide me the exact driver if possible.


please download the latest driver from MSDN (microsoft developer network).

Usually the jars will work with any JVM newer (and equal to) than that for which they were originally build.


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Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource OracleJDBCConnection:localOracle.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource”.
invalid arguments in call

Can anyone please let me know the solution?

I have changed from “driverType=thin” to “driverType=oci”…

then also I was getting the below error.

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource OracleJDBCConnection:localOracle.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN\ocijdbc10.dll: Can’t load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

please help me out in this?

Below are the details-

Connection Properties
DataSource Class: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
serverName: localhost
user: wmuser
password: *****
Retype password: *****
databaseName: XE
portNumber: 1521
Other Properties: driverType=oci

Please find the below details–

Connection Properties
DataSource Class: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
serverName: localhost
user: wmuser
password: *****
Retype password: *****
databaseName: XE
portNumber: 1521
Other Properties: driverType=oci

Hi Om,

what is your Oracle XE version and which driver jar do you use for your JDBC Adapter?
Which JDBC Adapter version are you using?

Thin driver mode should be fine for most of the cases as it is pure java driver.
OCI requires native OS-dependent libraries.

Please check all entries in the connection config for leading or trailing non-printable characters like i.e. blanks.


Hi Holger,

i am using WebMethod version 10.0

what is your Oracle XE version and which driver jar do you use for your JDBC Adapter?

Pls find the below answer->

SQL> select * from v$version;


Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Which JDBC Adapter version are you using?
AND driver for JDBC Adapter

below mentioned both the .jars


Thin driver mode should be fine for most of the cases as it is pure java driver.
OCI requires native OS-dependent libraries

Please check all entries in the connection config for leading or trailing non-printable characters like i.e. blanks.

crossed checked all the entries into the properties in the config → like… blanks & case-sensitive things all looks fine.

Can you please tell what else to required?


Hi Arun,

please remove ojdbc14.jar completely from your installation as it is outdated and is known to have issues while connecting in Thin mode.
Especially when LOBs are involved in your tables.

Replace ojdbc6.jar with ojdbc7.jar from either Oracle Driver or Oracle Driver in the following directories:

  • IntegrationServer/packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars
  • IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars
    Remove all other occurences of ojdbcx.jars from your installation.
    Shutdown and restart IntegrationServer.

Alternatively you can try to use ojdbc8.jar from Oracle Driver
The hints from above apply here also.

I assume you are running JDBC Adapter 9.10 with your wM version 10.0.
Please note that wM version 10.0 has only support until April 2018 which is not extendable.
JDBC Adapter 9.10 itself has a longer support time frame as it applies to wM 9.10, wM 9.12 and all wM 10.x versions.
