error creating webservice connector

I am new to webservices. I have a client WSDL created in .NET. I tried to create a webservice connector in webMethods. I had the following error. I went through defferent threads. But I am confused about Name Spaces. I would appreciate if some one can point out a document where I can get detail information about Name spaces. Anyways the error is as follows:

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpPost
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9001
[ISS.0092.9001] Server Error: com.wm.util.LocalizedException: [ISC.0082.9106] Complex type User {} is recursive. webMethods Integration Server does not support creating a document type from an XSD with a recursive complex type.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpPost
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9033
[ISS.0092.9033] Error: Invalid schema definition for Output signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: AddUserToRoster
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] AddUserToRoster {} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: AddUserToRoster
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: CancelUserRegistration
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] CancelUserRegistration {} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: CancelUserRegistration
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] GetUserProgress {} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: UpdateUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] UpdateUserProgress {} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: UpdateUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpGet
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] ArrayOfActivityAttempt1 {} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null

URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpGet
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9033
[ISS.0092.9033] Error: Invalid schema definition for Output signature. Web Service Connector was not created.

I would really appreciate if some one can help me out with this. By the way I have made watt.core.schema.detectRecursive=true.


That would certainly appear to indicate that the WSDL either defines its types recursively or imports an XML schema that does so.

IS does not support schemas containing recursive definitions today. I believe that this may be addressed in IS 6.5 SP2 which will reportedly ship on or around Dec 22, 2006.

Not sure why the detectRecursive property would help you other than to more clearly define the reason for the error.
