I am new to webservices. I have a client WSDL created in .NET. I tried to create a webservice connector in webMethods. I had the following error. I went through defferent threads. But I am confused about Name Spaces. I would appreciate if some one can point out a document where I can get detail information about Name spaces. Anyways the error is as follows:
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpPost
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9001
[ISS.0092.9001] Server Error: com.wm.util.LocalizedException: [ISC.0082.9106] Complex type User {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalbo/} is recursive. webMethods Integration Server does not support creating a document type from an XSD with a recursive complex type.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpPost
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9033
[ISS.0092.9033] Error: Invalid schema definition for Output signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: AddUserToRoster
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] AddUserToRoster {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalws/RosterManagement/} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: AddUserToRoster
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: CancelUserRegistration
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] CancelUserRegistration {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalws/RosterManagement/} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: CancelUserRegistration
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] GetUserProgress {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalws/RosterManagement/} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: UpdateUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] UpdateUserProgress {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalws/RosterManagement/} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementSoap
Operation: UpdateUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9032
[ISS.0092.9032] Error: Invalid schema definition for Input signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpGet
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9043
[ISS.0092.9043] Schema Error: 1
pathName: null
errorCode: CONV-004
errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9104] ArrayOfActivityAttempt1 {http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/sumtotal7/sumtotalws/RosterManagement/} - unable to locate the root element
identifier: null
URL: C:\Documents and Settings\aiux495\Desktop\RosterManagement.xml
Path name:
PortType: RosterManagementHttpGet
Operation: GetUserProgress
WSDL code: S-9033
[ISS.0092.9033] Error: Invalid schema definition for Output signature. Web Service Connector was not created.
I would really appreciate if some one can help me out with this. By the way I have made watt.core.schema.detectRecursive=true.