Hi all,
I get the following error after configuring connection to a SAP Server (server name = CTP-AK0290) and when i tested the connection.
My Environment is as follows:
Windows 2000
webMethods 6.0
SAP Adapter 4.6
The error returned when i tested the connection is follows:
Connect to SAP gateway failed Connect_PM GWHOST=CTP-AK0290, GWSERV=sapgw00, ASHOST=CTP-AK0290, SYSNR=00 LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR partner not reached (host CTP-AK0290, service 3300) TIME Wed Apr 16 17:15:57 2003 RELEASE 46D COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 34 RC -10 MODULE ninti.c LINE 1001 DETAIL NiPConnect2 SYSTEM CALL SO_ERROR ERRNO 10061 ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused COUNTER 21
Could someone help me what to do to resolve the above problem?