Error: cannot load the keystore for alias 'xx'

Error: cannot load the keystore for alias ‘xx’. Details: attempt to initialize keystore using location(xxxxx) failed.

I am using webMethods 8.2.2 and currently I want to create a keystore alias, but what I have are one pair of public and private key, extension is like cer or der. that is PKCS8 format.

I have try to add new type for keystore support PCKS8 by adding,PKCS12,PKCS8at entended at IS admin page. after restart I can not see PKCS8 will list under type.Someone please help me, it is complete different from wm7.1 or 6.5.Thank you so much in advance.

Same problem. Using WM8.2.2 and facing same issue:

Error: cannot load the keystore for alias ‘xx’…

Any solution to it apart from using the Keytool or OpenSSL tools?

Is creating keystore using those tools and creating keystore alias using IS admin two different thing?

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