Error at IS startup (Realm is currently not reachable)


Since few days, without having changed anything (just upgraded fixes), I met this error at the statup.
Would you know why please ?

jvm 1    | Registered WSS for Spring Board!
jvm 1    | SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
jvm 1    | SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:D:/SoftwareAG/common/lib/ext/slf4j-log4j.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
jvm 1    | SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:D:/SoftwareAG/WS-Stack/lib/shared/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
jvm 1    | SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:D:/SoftwareAG/WS-Stack/lib/shared/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
jvm 1    | SLF4J: See for an explanation.
jvm 1    | SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
jvm 1    | No value provided for []. Default value [10000] is used.
jvm 1    | No value provided for []. Default value [90000] is used.
jvm 1    | Initializing component: com.webmethods.rtl.util.ObjectUtil
jvm 1    | Initializing component: com.webmethods.rtl.util.ThreadUtil
jvm 1    | Initializing component: com.webmethods.rtl.util.FileUtil
jvm 1    | Initializing component: com.webmethods.rtl.util.SystemPaths
jvm 1    | Initializing component: com.webmethods.rtl.util.Debug
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:05 CEST 2016],Session 3 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:06 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:06 CEST 2016],Session 4 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:07 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:17 CEST 2016],Session 5 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:17 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:17 CEST 2016],Session 6 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:19 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:30 CEST 2016],Session 7 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:31 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:31 CEST 2016],Session 8 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:31 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:42 CEST 2016],Session 9 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [STARTUP] Glue 8.0 service pack 8 Fix 1 build 2
jvm 1    | Package classLoader :: sun.misc.CompoundEnumeration@60732a04 For name ::
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:43 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:43 CEST 2016],Session 10 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]

jvm 1    | ========jndi properties============================================
jvm 1    | java.naming.provider.url=nsp://localhost:9000
jvm 1    | java.naming.factory.initial=com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory
jvm 1    |
jvm 1    | jms.provider.url=nsp://localhost:9000
jvm 1    |
jvm 1    | ========jndi properties============================================
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:43 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | Successfully loaded PSUtilities configuration file into memory
jvm 1    | DEBUG : com.webmethods.caf.portalclient.PortalClient : Portal Client initialized
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:54 CEST 2016],Session 11 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:54 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:54 CEST 2016],Session 12 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:49:56 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:06 CEST 2016],Session 13 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:06 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:06 CEST 2016],Session 14 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:08 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:18 CEST 2016],Session 15 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:18 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:19 CEST 2016],Session 16 has been created with URL list: nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]
jvm 1    | [Wed Jun 15 15:50:19 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reacha Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://MIF-SRV-ESB-DEV.dommif.local:9000/]


Check if your UM server is up and running and this might also be due to network issue which is intermittent.

Thanks M@he$h,
but you mean, even if my web services do not uses the UM, I need to start it ?
for the IS is UM has to be launched ? it is mandatory ?

If you are using UM as your default messaging system and if your flow services is depended on UM, you can start the UM. If you are not using UM you can shut it down and disable the UM connection on IS and just ignore the error messages.

For IS, UM is not mandatory to be started.

Tanks for your reply.
I’m just surprised to see all that traces polluting the logs…

Hi All,
I got this error when my UM [v 9.12] was down and I saw this for the default Connection (IS_UM_CONNECTION) under Messaging.

This is what I did:

Installed the windows service for UM by running C:\SoftwareAG912T\UniversalMessaging\server\umserver\bin\registerService.bat and then started the UM.

And the error went off!

Yes… The error is common and known if UM is not started as UM comes as a default messaging system like broker before.

Since you have registered the UM as Windows service now the UM starts automatically with Windows as a service.

Great news, thanks a lot for your reply.

If you don’t want to register it as a service then run the .exe file. :smiley:

Windows: \SoftwareAG\UniversalMessaging\server\umserver\bin\nserver.exe
Linux: \SoftwareAG\UniversalMessaging\server\umserver\bin\nserver.bat

Syed Faraz Ahmed

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