EDIFACT Release Character Problem

The convertToString flow service does not add the EDIFACT release character into the EDI message.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
How do you get the WmEDI package to add the EDIFACT release character for ( ', :, +, ?)


It would seem that EDIFACT isn’t supported quite as thoroughly as X12. Have you contacted tech support?

I tested your problem and found (for v4.6 with EDI SP 1) that the IS flow service wm.b2b.edi:convertToString does not escape/release MORE THAN ONE special character per text field in an EDIFACT record structure.

So it does add the release char to the last special char within the string.

For example if the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString is called with :
Segment_terminator = ’
Field_separator = +
Subfield_separator = :
releaseCharacter = ?

and the Values record structure has text fields like:
then the resulting EDIFACT string is
TEXT + : ?’ END OF NAD01+
rather than
TEXT ?+ ?: ?’ END OF NAD01+

The service works OK if there is only one special char to be escape/released :
TEXT2 + END OF NAD02 C08201
then the resulting EDIFACT string is correct at
TEXT2 ?+ END OF NAD02 C08201:

The pipeline given below shows this in more detail, where DESADV is mapped to Values on convertToString

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<IDataXMLCoder version=“1.0”>
<record javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<record name=“DESADV” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<record name=“UNH” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<record name=“UNH02” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“S00901”>DESADV</value>
<value name=“S00902”>D</value>
<value name=“S00903”>98A</value>
<value name=“S00904”>UN</value>
<value name=“S00905”>EAN008</value>
<record name=“BGM” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<record name=“BGM01” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“C00201”>80E</value>
<value name=“C00203”>9</value>
<value name=“C00204”>INSDES</value>
<record name=“BGM02” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“C10601”>ORDER1</value>
<value name=“C10602”>00</value>
<array name=“NAD” type=“record” depth=“1”>
<record javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“NAD01”>TEXT + : ’ END OF NAD01</value>
<record name=“NAD02” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“C08201”>TEXT2 + END OF NAD02 C08201</value>
<value name=“C08202”>TEXT2 : END OF NAD02 C08202</value>
<value name=“C08203”>TEXT2 ’ END OF NAD02 C08203</value>
<record name=“NAD03” javaclass=“com.wm.data.BasicData”>
<value name=“C05801”>TEXT3 ? END OF NAD03 C05801</value>
<value name=“string”>UNH+141526111+DESADV:D:98A:UN:EAN008’BGM+80E::9:INSDES+ORDER1:00’NAD+TEXT + : ?’ END OF NAD01+TEXT2 ?+ END OF NAD02 C08201:TEXT2 ?: END OF NAD02 C08202:TEXT2 ?’ END OF

the problem wm.b2b.edi:convertToString not escaping/releasing MORE THAN ONE special character per text field in an EDIFACT record structure is fixed by applying WmEDI_4-6_Fix9.zip


where we can find WmEDI_4-6_Fix9.zip ???


You can download if from Advantage site or pls contact tech support to get this fix.



I have a problem, I can’t download WmEDI_4-6_Fix9.zip from Advantage.
I can’t found the link on the page (but I can found the article on
Known Issues and Fixes).



From what I understand there is no “download” of the actual .zip fix for standard support accounts on advantage.
The long way to get this is : On advantage goto knowledge base -> known fixes and issues -> wM estandards modules (must be selected in your profile of product interests) -> EDI module 4.6 -> WmEDI_4-6_Fix9 -> request more info
or just send an email to wM support
In both cases you need to ask support to send you the WmEDI_4-6_Fix9.zip file.