DSP invoke of a WmRoot service

That solution would allow everyone to see the username and password, and I believe that it didn’t work for me when I tried it (to get the package information that seems to be hidden…)

Sooo…what I did as the ultimate fix:
Create an additional service that just calls getServerHost (get server name and port), pub.client.http (to kick off the service). Within the original service, I run getStringTemplateOnPipe, and format the package information in html. The call setResponse to send the html response back to the http call. I then have the output template for the new service as the output received.

Since the http service allows me to login, I am able to get ‘into the server’ which was the underlying problem. So now I just invoke the second service and can get the html results.

Thanks to everyone for there help, and I hope others can use this thread in the future (since most of the fixes would work for everything except of the package list and time stamp)