Downtime exception: Read timed out

Hello Everyone,

am Facing Downtime exception: Read timed out a lot on API Gateway. Can someone suggest how to overcome this issue.
I understand sometime the native server timeouts that ok.
but in my case gateway is returning this error. Is there anyway workaround to fix this issue.


hi @mhaseeb.tariq ,
Some queries

  • Are you using the cloud API GW or on prem setup?
  • If cloud setup then please raise a support incident
  • If on prem setup can you please check instance please check if it getting started frequently?
  • Incase if it is starting freqently then please check the license is valid or not?

Vikash Sharma

Hy @Vikash_Sharma1,

1.we are using API GW on prem setup.
2.The instance is not starting frequently
3.License is valid.
4. We have a clustered API GW setup, its difficult to trace which instance is receiving the request and processing it.

The down time thing is not happening frequently but when it happen its causes a lot of disruption for specific services.