Documentation: Publish Subscribe Developer Guide with Broker / UM as JMS Provider


After going thru “9-8_Publish_Subscribe_Developers_Guide.pdf” documentation, I understand that the documentation covered a chapter (Overview of Publishing and Subscribing) which includes the details of explaining the message path(s) between the Integration Server and Broker / UM. This section also includes scenario based diagrams of the message paths. For e.g.: when the Broker is unavailable, local publish etc.
Again, this chapter covered only for native Broker / UM publish-subscribe… But I’d like to know this explanation for JMS as well.

I’ve attached a screenshot from the documentation just to let you know what I’m talking…

I’d be interested to know if this is covered as part of some other documentation.


Refer “9-12_Using_Integration_Server_to_Build_a_Client_for_JMS.pdf”

You will find details about JMS publish/subscribe. If you want to understand the architecture pattern go through JMS concepts.