from today morning the maschine did not produce any packages which means that
percentages of correct packages = empty and wrong packages = empty and no code packages = empty.
We are planning to deploy the real time KPI value that is represented in the pie.chart widget to the customer by end of the week can you please let me know quickly how to solve the issue or there anyother readymade real time measurements pie-chart widgets.
Analysis we made when this error occurs.
The Pie chart displays the 100% though the values of the wrong code = 0, % of passed code = 0, % of nocode = 0% in the backend. For example the wrong code and passed code and no code is 0% is 12:00:00 pm
And it constantly displays the displays the 100% even if there are no meaurements after 12:00:00 pam
For example between 12:00:00 pm and 10:00:00 am there are no measurements.
Hi Prathyusha,
as this is a custom app I cannot access with my support user on your chart.
I will contact you privately for the next step.
Regards, Christian