Device Management - Add new column to device grid


In Device Management → All Devices Data grid, is it possible to add a column that will be a dropdown without replacing the existing All Devices page?

Divya K

Not sure what you mean by a drop down in the context of the all Devices list, but standard app only adds columns and their values.

Thanks, Robert for the response.

To give the context of the use case, need to assign a worker to a device, is there a possible way to to display the list of workers in the dropdown as shown in the attached screenshot?

Divya K

No, this would have to be custom coding.

Hi Divya,

Quite recently a new hook was added as part of the Web SDK: hookDeviceListColumns. This should allow you to replace the columns to be displayed in the device list.

If you want to extend the default columns you can get them using the getDefaultColumns method.

Another option might be to override the getDefaultColumns method and return your custom set of columns from here.


Thanks a lot, Tristan for the response.

Is there any example to which I can refer, and is this hook only available from 10.18 onwards? is there a way to add icons also?

Divya K

Hi Divya,

1018.0.x does not include this hook as far as I know. It is definitely available with versions higher then 1018.503.X.

There is no sample for this hook available right not, but there is also nothing special about this hook. It just expects an array of: Columns to be passed. This will the replace the default columns.

I’m not sure what you mean by icons, but as Columns allows to pass components you should be able to display what ever you would like within these components.

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